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Your Gut is More Intelligent Than You May Think

Your Gut is More Intelligent Than You May Think

Trusting your gut might mean acting without thinking. However, recent studies tell us this might be further from the truth. Food scientists, like Heribert Watzke, have spent years studying the workings of our gut and ways we can nourish our minds by first nourishing our stomach. In their research, they have discovered that the humble tummy is a lot smarter than it gets credit for. Read below to see just some of the ways your stomach flexes its brain power.


Unlike the heart, liver and lungs, your stomach doesn’t have to wait for the brain to tell it what to do. Your body’s digestive system is powered by millions of neurons that can be found from the stomach and all throughout the intestine. These neurons form what scientists call your body’s second brain. In fact, there are more messages relaying neurons in the stomach than there are in your spine or nervous system.

We feel first with our gut

Your gut and your brain are always in communication, but that communication is not always a two way street. The vagus nerve, the biggest nerve in your stomach, uses 90% of its fibres to send messages to the brain. That means your brain is interpreting signals from your gut into messages and emotions… suddenly that gut feeling doesn’t sound so unreliable after all.

Healthy gut, healthy mind

Your gut’s nervous system is in control of your cravings and food choices. If you’ve got a gut that is craving greasy fast foods and toxin-loaded junk food, you have to re-educate your stomach-brain. How do you do this? By cultivating a probiotic friendly environment in your stomach with supplements like Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Your stomach knows what food is good for it and naturally craves it. Using ACV to wean yourself off the need for takeaway foods is the first step to a richer, healthier life.



Give your gut a brain boost with our Apple Cider Vinegar capsules.

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